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Output Peripherals


NewGen Systems Corporation

TurboPS/400 is a high-resolution, high-speed PostScript-compatible laserprinter. The printer has 400 x 400 dpi resolution standard and may beupgraded to 800 x 400 dpi through the optional 800 x 400 dpi Upgrade Kit.It prints at speeds up to 15 times faster than competitive laserprinters. A proprietary dual-processor design is responsible for thedramatic speed increase. Using a 20 MHz Intel 80960 KB RISC processorand an Intel I/O processor, this printer is able to process PostScriptfiles at up to 20 MIPS.TurboPS/400 offers nearly twice the resolution of 300-dpi printers andgreater speed at a comparable cost. Besides PostScript compatibility, itoffers HP LaserJet Series II, HP 7475A (HPGL) Plotter, and Epson LQ-800compatibility. TurboPS/400 uses the Canon SX engine, so it uses the sametoner cartridge and paper trays as the HP LaserJet Series II and III andApple's LaserWriter IINT and IINTX. 3 MB of memory are standard. Memorymay be upgraded to 5 MB for additional font storage and double-pagebuffering. With double buffering, as one page is being printed, the nextpage is being processed, increasing performance by about 25 percent onmultipage documents.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

NewGen Systems Corporation
3545 Cadllac Av # A
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1401
Phone: (714) 641-8600
        (800) 888-1689
Fax: (714) 641-2800